MOUs’ signed in support of placement and training ventures with the following companies/industries:

1)Mechanical Engineering1. KGTTI, Mysuru
2. Flow & Force Engineers, Bengaluru                                                 
3. GTTC, Mysuru
4. VIDYUT Automation, Mysuru
5. IRobo Automations Pvt.Ltd, Mysuru  
2)Electronics & Communication Engineering1. Ultismart Infotech LLP, Mysuru
2. IQuest Technologies, Mysuru                                                        
3. MARCONICS Technologies, Mysuru
4. KGTTI, Mysuru  
3)  Computer Science & Engineering1. Diliber Foundation                                                                 
2. StormX Technologies Pvt Ltd
3.Sai Sofsol Hebbal Industrial Area Mysuru  
4.Ecclesia Advanced Computer Technology Mysuru
5.MyViz Mysuru
6. Jupiter King Infotech, Srirampura,Mysuru  
4)Mechatronics Engineering1. BDS Enterprises, Mysuru
2. KGTTI, Mysuru
5)Electrical & Electronics Engineering1.Vidyut Automation, Mysuru 2. Sri Sai Enterprises, Hebbal, Mysuru
6)Civil Engineering1. CAD DESK